Summer and Fall 2022 construction West and Central classrooms. 已拆除或尚未动工亲爱的走鹃, 

I hope you’re all enjoying the relative peace and quiet between Maymester and the beginning of the summer term this coming Monday. While things might seem slower across campus, GH Phipps Construction has been hard at work on the Auraria Higher Education Center’s 项目B, which is now past the halfway point. Construction remains on schedule, and crews are currently reinstalling ceiling grids and new tiles throughout the West and Central Classroom buildings.  

Departments and offices that were temporarily relocated due to 项目B and the Sim Labs construction project will reoccupy the buildings this summer. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 设施 and Information Technology Services teams are working to ensure that this is a smooth and positive process for all.  

Upcoming construction milestones: 

  • June 17: A draft schedule of department and office moving plans, including a proposed move-in period, will be provided to the Provost Council. From there, 设施 and ITS will contact all impacted departments to schedule move dates. 
  • 7月8月29日. 5: Installation of furniture and workstations into West and Central Classroom buildings. 
  • 8月. 9: Staff and faculty have fully operational workstations. 

业绩评估 due by June 30 

业绩评估 are now open in Workday. 首先, 登录Workday and go to the “Awaiting Your Actions” section on the homepage to begin the self-assessment action item.  

业绩评估 are an important part of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s commitment to professional development and to promoting an inclusive leadership environment. Thoughtful performance evaluations increase employee engagement, provide strong recognition and encouragement and create tangible paths for employee growth rooted in accountability.   

As a reminder, this year’s evaluations include the 领导能力架构 and six competencies, which are behaviors and leadership capabilities that are directly tied to 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的成功s. The competencies are included in the employee self-assessment tool and the performance evaluation and will be rated just like SMART (Specific, 可衡量的, 可实现的, 有关, 和有时限的目标. They will be considered as part of an employee’s overall performance evaluation.   

  • 员工 must complete a self-assessment for their SMART goals and competencies.   
  • 经理 will also be asked to rate an employee’s SMART goals and the competencies, 使用五分制量表.  

Please set aside time to complete your self-assessment and performance reviews by June 30. 查尔斯Kibort, director of 人力资源 Operations and Strategy, recommends that managers hold performance discussions by midmonth and submit their evaluations in Workday by 6月21日, allowing employees a week to review and sign.  

Helpful performance-evaluation resources: 


  • 通过9月: Regional 运输 District Downtown Rail Construction Project impacts route to campus. 
  •  星期四: 7th Street Parking Garage closed all day for maintenance. 
  • 星期五: 7th Street Parking Garage closed until noon for maintenance. 
  • Monday-Tuesday: Tivoli Parking Garage closed for maintenance. 
  • 周三: Cherry Creek Cleanup with Auraria Sustainable Campus Program. 
  • 6月14日: 5th Street Parking Garage closed for maintenance.
  • 6月19日: 校园因六月节而关闭. 
  • 6月21日: Watershed Summit at 丹佛 Botanic Gardens. 
  • 7月1日: Most campus buildings will transition to AurariaNet Wi-Fi SSIDS.  

拉里取样器, chief operating officer and vice president for Administration