

Whether you are a new or prospective student, 在读学生, 研究生, or you need to meet with a 教育学院 course instructor, you can submit a request for an appointment using the following form.

Declaring a Major and Updating Your Info

To 选择专业 with the 教育学院 for the first time, or to update your information with the 教育学院,请填写以下表格.


如果你已经去过了 admitted to your 教育学院 program, you should be regularly scheduling appointments with a faculty advisor of your choosing from within your program area. You can schedule your appointment through Navigate or by using 皇冠官网网站的申请表格.


如果你是 Secondary or K-12 content area licensure student, you should meet with the appropriate advisors in your content area department(s) regularly, in addition to your 教育学院 advisor.  Make sure that you are seeing the designated advisors in each department for the most accurate and thorough advising.

Secondary and K-12 Education post-baccalaureate students – the advisors on the list below are your content area experts who will review your previous degree for alignment with our content course requirements.

Click the following link for a list of content-area advisors.  Please be sure to contact these departments or advisors to determine advising schedules or walk-in hours.


Are you bringing a friend or family member/parent with you to your advising appointment? If so, your advisor may ask you to fill out and submit FERPA Form.  参观 皇冠体育官网FERPA页面 获取到表单的链接.

Meet our Professional 学术顾问s

Our professional advisors provide support to prospective and new 教育学院 students.  If you have are interested in or new to the 教育学院, these advisors will be your first stop!




303-615-1555 请求预约



303-615-1555 请求预约
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