密歇根州立大学丹佛 is a leader in developing mutually beneficial industry partnerships and impactful philanthropic investment opportunities. Through sustained engagement with local and regional partners, the 企业及基金会关系 team seeks to 支持 students’ academic and career goals while expanding the university’s positive economic, 文化, 以及社会影响.

The CFR team brings a collaborative and integrated approach to developing partnerships based on shared mission, 共同的愿景, 创新精神. Engage with 密歇根州立大学丹佛 to solve business challenges and gain a competitive edge through diverse talent pipelines, 创新项目, 以及发人深省的研究, 以及强大的学术课程, 继续教育机会, 或者战略性的慈善支持.


The Auraria Campus was bustling with students the first week of classes starting Aug. 23, 2021.

An investment in 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is a social and economic investment in Colorado, improving the lives of residents while contributing to the state’s economic future. 作为唯一的公众, 四年, open-access university in Colorado—and one of the most affordable—密歇根州立大学丹佛 is uniquely positioned to transform lives through high-quality, accessible education as it realizes its vision of being a nationally-recognized leader of social mobility.

这种独特的高等教育模式 吸引独特的学生群体. Many undergraduates fall outside the mold of the traditional college student, whether they transfer from another institution, 已经全职工作了, 或者在以后的生活中继续攻读学位. 进一步, the University was officially designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in 2019 and has one of the most diverse student bodies in the state. 通过它对学生访问的奉献, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has built itself into an institution that opens doors for all, meeting students where they are and launching them toward where they want to go.

Additionally, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 plays a vital role in the Colorado economy. In the past decade, Colorado has faced an education crisis, often labeled the “Colorado paradox.” Despite the influx of companies and professionals flocking to 丹佛 and beyond, the local talent pool is undereducated as it relates to current workforce needs. The University stands tall among its competitors in addressing imbalance, 占95个国家的97%,000名毕业生来自科罗拉多州, and over 80% stay in the state after graduating. 因此,绝大多数的134美元.9 billion generated by 密歇根州立大学丹佛 alumni throughout their careers has been infused into the local economy, 还有学校的703美元.4 .年度经济影响.