
The 营养小 complements a variety of majors including Biology, 健康 Care Management, 热情好客, 旅游 & 事件, Exercise Science, Athletic Training, and Integrative 健康 Care. 另外, this minor provides valuable information that can be applied to a student’s lifelong health and well-being.

The 营养小 will not meet educational requirements for qualification as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). A major in nutrition from an accredited institution, an approved internship, and passing a national exam are all requirements to obtain the RDN credential.

本科 学费和杂费

Resident 学费和杂费 by 学分

学分 总学费 更少的咖啡 学生分享 强制性的费用 含COF的总碱基 基地总 Without COF
1 $411.60 $116.00 $295.60 $358.20 $653.80 $769.80
2 $823.20 $232.00 $591.20 $394.70 $985.90 $1217.90
3 $1234.80 $348.00 $886.80 $431.20 $1318.00 $1666.00
4 $1646.40 $464.00 $1182.40 $480.20 $1662.60 $2126.60
5 $2058.00 $580.00 $1478.00 $516.70 $1994.70 $2574.70
6 $2469.60 $696.00 $1773.60 $588.20 $2364.80 $3057.80
7 $2881.20 $812.00 $2069.20 $640.10 $2709.30 $3521.30
8 $3292.80 $928.00 $2364.80 $676.60 $3041.40 $3969.40
9 $3704.40 $1044.00 $2660.40 $713.10 $3373.50 $4417.50
10 $4116.00 $1160.00 $2956.00 $749.60 $3705.60 $4865.60
11 $4527.60 $1276.00 $3251.60 $786.10 $4037.70 $5313.70
12 $4939.20 $1392.00 $3547.20 $846.50 $4393.70 $5785.70
13 $5350.80 $1508.00 $3842.80 $883.00 $4725.80 $6233.80
14 $5762.40 $1624.00 $4138.40 $919.50 $5057.90 $6681.90
15 $6174.00 $1740.00 $4434.00 $956.00 $5390.00 $7130.00
16 $6585.60 $1856.00 $4729.60 $992.50 $5722.10 $7578.10
17 $6997.20 $1972.00 $5025.20 $1092.00 $6054.20 $8026.20
18 $7408.80 $2088.00 $5320.80 $1065.50 $6386.30 $8474.30

NON Resident 学费和杂费 by 学分

学分 总学费 强制性的费用 基地总
1 $919.70 $358.20 $1,277.90
2 $1,839.40 $394.70 $2,234.10
3 $2,759.10 $431.20 $3,190.30
4 $3,678.80 $480.20 $4,159.00
5 $4,598.50 $516.70 $5,115.20
6 $5,518.20 $588.20 $6,106.40
7 $6,437.90 $640.10 $7,078.00
8 7.357.60 $676.60 $8,034.20
9 $8,277.30 $713.10 $8,990.40
10 $9,197.00 $749.60 $9,946.60
11 $10,116.70 $786.10 $10,902.80
12 $11,036.40 $846.50 $11,882.90
13 $11,956.10 $883.00 $12,839.10
14 $12,875.80 $919.50 $13,795.30
15 $13,795.50 $956.00 $14,751.50
16 $14,715.20 $992.50 $15,707.70
17 $15,634.90 $1,029.00 $16,663.90
18 $16,554.60 $1,065.50 $17,620.10


强制性的费用: Academic Year 2023-2024

学分 Auraria债券 Intercollegiate 体育运动 校园娱乐 蒂沃利公园设施 清洁能源 皇冠体育官网 学生的技术 凤凰城的中心 地铁债券 健康 & 健康 总计
1 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $8.70 $3.50 $27.80 $107.50 $358.20
2 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $17.40 $3.50 $55.60 $107.50 $394.70
3 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $26.10 $3.50 $83.40 $107.50 $431.20
4 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $34.80 $3.50 $111.20 $107.50 $480.20
5 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $43.50 $3.50 $139.00 $107.50 $516.70
6 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $52.20 $3.50 $166.80 $107.50 $588.20
7 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $60.90 $3.50 $194.60 $107.50 $640.10
8 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $69.60 $3.50 $222.40 $107.50 $676.60
9 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $78.30 $3.50 $250.20 $107.50 $713.10
10 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $87.00 $3.50 $278.00 $107.50 $749.60
11 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $95.70 $3.50 $305.80 $107.50 $786.10
12 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $104.40 $3.50 $333.60 $107.50 $846.50
13 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $113.10 $3.50 $361.40 $107.50 $883.00
14 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $121.80 $3.50 $389.20 $107.50 $919.50
15 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $130.50 $3.50 $417.00 $107.50 $956.00
16 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $139.20 $3.50 $444.80 $107.50 $992.50
17 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $147.90 $3.50 $472.60 $107.50 $1,029.00
18 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $156.60 $3.50 $500.40 $107.50 $1,065.50

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For more information on the Nutrition minor, please contact the Department of Nutrition. Click below to send us an email!


Department of Nutrition




Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
Department of Nutrition
P.O. 173362箱
丹佛, CO 80217-3362